点击链接下载PS调色插件程序合集 Topaz photoFXlab 1.2.11+独立版.rar: https://545c.com/file/15816440-427169277
photoFXlab即时访问所有Topaz插件,您可以轻松连接到所有的效果库。 设有屏蔽功能分层的工作流程,选择增强笔刷,边缘感知技术和一个有趣的新方法InstaTone您的图片。一个独立的应用程序,也可以作为PS一个插件使用。
Topaz photoFXlab滤镜注册版,终极的照片后期处理滤镜工具组合。
Topaz photoFXlab 1.x | 107.2 MB
Ready to experience Topaz in a new way? A standalone application that can also be accessed as a plug-in, photoFXlab™ is the ultimate hub for all things Topaz. With instant access to all of the Topaz plug-ins, photoFXlab™ easily connects you to all of your Topaz effects in a searchable library. Featuring a layered workflow with masking capabilities, selective enhancement brushes with edge-aware technology and a fun new way to InstaTone™ your images, photoFXlab™ is the new way to experience Topaz.
With a synergized workspace dedicated to your favorite Topaz tools, photoFXlab™ complements your existing Topaz workflow – giving you the perfect Topaz workshop to create stunning photos. Built for convenience, flexibility and simplicity, photoFXlab™ will help boost productivity and transform the way you edit with Topaz.
Instantly Apply Effects
Use the searchable effects library to explore and apply presets without having to access your plug-ins. With over 500 effects, the possibilities are endless!
Quick Access to Plug-ins
And if you want to make your own effects, photoFXlab™ offers speedy access to all of your Topaz plug-ins. See here for details.
Convenient Editing
Refine your enhancements using the convenient adjustment sliders and editing tools, featuring the new IntelliColor™ technology.
适用系统 : Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
适用软件:Adobe Photoshop CC (32-bit and 64-bit)