65AE模板 浪漫婚期电子相册清新背景特效渲染字幕标题展示插图

Let’s face it. Not many people go to weddings for the ceremony. The reception, and the electric slide is where it’s at. This After Effects wedding template is also where it’s at. It features 10 different image or video placeholders and 13 different text placeholders. If you want make it longer, simply edit and render it multiple times, and cut them all together into one longer video. 


65AE模板 浪漫婚期电子相册清新背景特效渲染字幕标题展示插图1微信赞赏65AE模板 浪漫婚期电子相册清新背景特效渲染字幕标题展示插图2支付宝赞赏
